Look UP
"Look waaaaay up" the Friendly Giant would say at the beginning of a popular 1950s to 1980s children's show aired on CBC Television.
The Friendly Giant1 was a wonderful children’s show of which I hold many fond memories and inspired this post along with the trees.
The Basic Practice - standing back bend
respect your limits, modify where needed
posture set-up:
can be done sitting or standing
story time - the speaking tree
Explore the Movement - thank the trees
Go out and look up to a living tree in your neighbourhood. Say thank you to a tree and see if it replies back 😉
Everyday Living
We actually use the standing backbend everyday when we reach for something out of a high cupboard. Next time you do, make sure to press your feet down and squeeze your buttocks (think bring the heels together without moving them) as you lift your hands up to reach for something high.
Yoga Practice
Backbends are not my favourite which in the yoga world means this is the posture you need to work on. Over the past while I have discovered that pressing the feet down and squeezing your buttocks (think bringing the heels together) really helps with providing the support needed to execute backbends as well as coming out of them.
Discover Amazing
In putting this post together, I discovered that the Friendly Giant, Bob Homme, was actually only five feet and 11 inches tall2. He always looked so tall on television!
The beauty of the tree tops never cease to amaze me. Both trees and us are amazing in our own wonderful ways. Trees can live incredibly long and we can walk around! Trees also clean our air and by the miracle of nature, provide water for our planet.3
(the Light in me honors the Light in you)
keep moving to keep healthy movement is our birthright otherwise you would be a Friendly Giant Tree be in AWE of AMAZING YOU
Thanks to:
My sister, Anita Lofgren, for taking the photos. Photos were taken September 2022 on Vancouver Island at the Cathedral Grove (MacMillian Provincial Park) and Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park.
My mom, Gerlinde Schrettlinger, for making a guest appearance in the photos.
The trees all across our planet.
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Disclaimer: Be safe, know your limits and move wisely without causing harm to yourself. Information provided in this newsletter is for you to explore and discover how your body works. It is not to diagnose any medical condition. Please consult with a physician or physiotherapist if you have concerns.