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Home Away From Home

Your body is your home. Make your home where ever you are by using HOUSE POSE.

This post is inspired by Jamie at Cosmic Kids Yoga who uses HOUSE POSE in her yoga story telling.1

The Basic Practice - house pose

respect your limits, modify where needed

posture set-up

  • Come to standing

    • Can be done sitting

  • Toes facing forward

  • Feet about hip width apart or feet together

  • Arms dangling by your side

house pose

  • Step your feet wide

  • Extend your arms out at shoulder height with palms facing up

  • Lift arms up to above your head

    • Or can be slightly forward of you

  • Bring fingertips together, if possible

Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, Canada
  • Breathe here in your house, your home

Explore the Movement - appreciation

  • Take a moment to appreciate your home, your body, via a body scan of the major joints knowing you can do this anywhere

    • Toes

    • Ankles

    • Knees

    • Hips

    • Shoulders

    • Elbows

    • Wrists

    • Fingers

    • Spine

      • Tailbone

      • Lower back

      • Mid back

      • Upper back

      • Neck

    • Jaw

    • Now sense all joints at once

Everyday Living

Generally we are most comfortable in our own home. The trick is can we be comfortable like home away from home?

Yoga Practice

Use your yoga practice to take time to be comfortable and grounded in your own body wherever you are.

Discover Amazing

Simply our body, our living home, is amazing no matter where we are in the world, home or away from home.


(the Light in me honors the Light in you)

keep moving; keep healthy
    movement is our birthright 
         Be at home where ever you are
              live with a smile, be a big kid
                    be in AWE of YOU

Photo Credits

Thanks to Anita Lofgren for all the photos in this post and video.

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Disclaimer: Be safe, know your limits and move wisely without causing harm to yourself. Information provided in this newsletter is for you to explore and discover how your body works. It is not to diagnose any medical condition. Please consult with a physician or physiotherapist if you have concerns.
Explore Movement & Discover Amazing YOU
Explore Movement & Discover Amazing YOU
Barbara L Ritter