Gratitude is the expression of appreciation for what one has. It is a recognition of value independent of monetary worth. Spontaneously generated from within, it is an affirmation of goodness and warmth. 1
The Basic Movement Practice
“three gratitudes ritual”
posture set-up
choose sitting or standing
basic instructions
inhale arms up overhead
bring hands into prayer - speak one of the below gratitudes
then draw hands down to heart
repeat for each gratitude
three gratitudes
give gratitude for a strong healthy body
give gratitude for this practice and maintaining health
give gratitude for the community you are part of
I learned these three gratitudes from a Chinese program of movement called Dao Gong. This gratitude practice comes from a Buddhist nun called Fan Xiu Lan. The program is taught by David Wei of Wudang West. 2

Explore the Movement
“not feeling gratitude?”
be safe: respect your limits, inquire kindly
Be honest with yourself, if you are not feeling gratitude, honour that truth within you. With gentle curiosity ask what is bringing on this feeling. Ask if you are holding a belief that you must always be grateful. It is okay to question. Know that your internal guidance system is alerting you to something.
Physiologists say that sometimes putting all your energy into feeling grateful can cause you to neglect things that actually do require some criticism. For example, if you are so focused on feeling thankful for someone, you might overlook or accept certain behaviours that are harmful to your well-being.3
Yoga Practice
About a year ago, I began adding in the “three gratitudes ritual” at the end of all of my yoga classes albeit slightly reworded:
I give gratitude for my own amazing body, breath and life.
I give gratitude for this practice and all practices that bring me health.
I give gratitude for this community of people that we can practice together here in person.
Everyday Living
Create your own amazing gratitude practice. Personally I have found being grateful for simple everyday activities like being able to walk, carry my stuff and driving a car can be very profound and humbling. There is much in daily life we actually take for granted like clean water, a roof over our heads, and having loving people in our life.
Discover Amazing
Never forget . . . you are amazing, your body is amazing and life is amazing. Maybe you are feeling that and maybe not but hopefully you are able to arrive there soon.
At my last mammogram they had this message up on the wall:
(the Light in me honors the Light in you)
keep moving, keep healthy, keep smiling
Thanks to my photography partner Norman Ritter.
Thanks to my friends Beatrix and Thomas for letting me use the photo of them in the heart.
Thanks to you for reading “Explore Movement & Discover Amazing YOU!”
Now teaching fives times a week at four locations:
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You are responsible for you. Be safe, know your limits and move wisely without causing harm to yourself. Information provided in this newsletter is for you to explore and discover how your body works. It is not to diagnose any medical condition. Please consult with a physician or physiotherapist if you have concerns.
scroll down to potential pitfalls of gratitude