Waiters Bow
Bow like a waiter and you are hinging at the hips with a neutral pelvis and a straight back.
Hip hinges are a basic movement pattern in life and in athletics. To protect our precious lumbar curve, we are ideally hinging at the hips to pick something off the ground versus bending at the waist.
The Basic Practice - hip hinge (send the butt back)
approach your body with softness, gentleness and kindness
#1 - bow like a waiter
posture set-up
stand with feet hip width apart
feet parallel and pointing forwards
keep knees soft (meaning not locked)
place one hand on your belly and the other on your lower back
find your pelvic neutral
keep spine straight with natural curves
tuck chin slightly, neck in-line with spine
think: tall and elongated
think: lift torso out of the pelvis while pressing feet into floor
take a few ‘who’ breaths to engage abdominal and lower back muscles
inhale through nose
exhale with puckered lips making a ‘who’ sound
think: blowing out candles
bow like a waiter
shift 50% weight to the heels - feel your golden arches
send the butt back (can keep knees soft)
think: door hinge; only part moving is the hips
legs are straight; back is straight; pelvis tilt neutral
bottom moves behind ankles
#2 - wall bum touches
stand with your back facing a wall
begin about 6 inches (15 cms) away from the wall
place hands on hips with pinkie finger in line with hip crease
or place hands on tops of thighs with thumbs in line with hip crease
elbows point out to the side
think Wonder Woman or Superman
hinge at the hips with a pelvis neutral straight back
until bottom touches the wall
complete five bum touches at this distance
keep movement slow
#2A - go further
if comfortable, move 2 inches (5 cms) further away from wall
complete another five bum touches at the new distance
keep movement slow
notice here knees need to bend a little more
keep your lower leg perpendicular to the floor
#2B - go further again (optional)
if comfortable, move another 2 inches (5 cms) further away from wall
complete another five bum touches at the new distance
keep movement slow
you will probably need to bend at the knees a bit more
but still keep lower leg perpendicular to floor
notice if you feel it in your hamstrings (I do :)
#2C - add some weight
at your comfortable distance
hold a book at your chest or just cross your arms
complete five bum touches
Explore the Movement
alignment is a technique - there is a correct and incorrect way
noticing is an inquiry - there are no right or wrong answers
harmonize both concepts through playfulness, acceptance, surrender
the hip hinge is a movement where alignment is important while noticing without critical unkind judgement what is actually happening in your body
performing the hip hinge correctly will take stress off the lumbar curve
notice how the ‘wall bum touch’ teaches us to move the hips back first and the head follows second
Everyday Living
The hip hinge is a basic fundamental movement pattern in life. It is how we are to be picking objects off the ground; going from sit to stand; and standing while doing dishes. It is how we ought to approach most of our activities throughout the day.
Anytime you go to bend, put a flashy, blinky light into your mind:
hip hinge; move bottom back . . . hip hinge; send the butt back . . . hip hinge; butt moves first
hip hinge at the bathroom sink, hip hinge while making the bed, hip hinge to pick something off the floor, hip hinge while setting the table, hip hinge doing dishes, hip hinge to sit down
If you do sports, hip hinge movement is a must. While watching sports like basketball, weightlifting, baseball, volleyball, golf, notice when the athlete is standing with a hip hinge. Lower leg is perpendicular to the ground, bottom is back and spine is straight with natural curves.
Yoga Practice
The standing forward bend is to be performed with a hip hinge. The lunge poses like Extended Side Angle use a hip hinge in the front leg. Warrior 3 is a single leg balance posture that uses a hip hinge. One posture that challenges ones pelvic tilt and hip hinge is chair.
Discover Amazing
Hinge at the hip, bow like a waiter, and bend with hips; bottom moving first. Re-discover your amazing hip hinge and move into life with strength and vitality.